Monday, June 23, 2014

June 18, 2014

Buon giorno, cara famiglia!

Well this week has been soooo great! The end of last week we had a great sunday sacrament meeting and great classes following it. The main topic was about choices and how important it is to use our free agency to choose the right. There was a talk from an apostle quite some time ago that a member mentioned that says something like "Everything that we sacrifice to give to god was never really ours to begin with, it was always his. The only thing that we can really give up that truly belongs to us is our free agency. When we decide to not do our will but to completely give ourselves to the Lord then we are really giving something to him. And when we do that there will not be enough space for all of the blessings that will come our way. " Im pretty sure the talk went something like that lol. How great is that though? i absolutely love it :)

Well this week like i said was great. We did exchanges with the Zone leaders and i did mine with Anziano Ostergar! He is the funniest and coolest guy in the world. We had such a great time and in the first hour of finding work in a park we had 4 lessons and one of them was a member present lesson (as we were talking to to guys about our age a member walked up and started in the conversation and told them how they should really listen to our message and invite us over to their house lol it was so great)! We had such a great time and i really hope i get to serve with him sometime during the mission, i think we could do really well together.

Well yesterday we had a really crazy miracle! We got 4 new investigators in one day!!! We were walking back from the park to our house after a little bit of proseliting and we decided to stop on last guy as we were about 50 yards from our front door. We talked to him about the book of mormon and had him read the moroni 10: 4,5 scripture. he really liked it and invited us to his apartment which was about 10 steps away from where we stopped him haha. we walked in the house and there were to other people, a guy and a girl both about the same age as the man we stopped (25-28 years old). They are all from the dominican republic but have lived in svizzera for 15 to 20 years so they speak italian perfectly. They are all pretty religious and go to church. We talked to them a little bit more about the book of mormon and joseph smith restoring the true church on the earth. the really were interested in reading the BoM so we left them with 2 copies (since we only had 2 at the time) and a prayer before we left.

We also set another appointment to see them friday so i am so excited for that! Then later that night we ran into another man that we had had a lesson with the week before at the park and we talked to him a little, he said he went online on our website and read about our church and joseph smith and thought it was very interesting. we talked to him a little bit more about what he read and then had a little prayer with him and set up an appointment for next week! It was such a great day full of miracles! So then we decided that we had to celebrate by getting a couple of gelato's :)

So that was my week! is was pretty great :) unfortunately im not able to watch any of the world cup but i hear about it everywhere we go haha so at least i stay updated! well i hope you all are having a great time back in the states, i love you guys and pray for you often

:) Vi voglio bene! Ciao!

-Anziano Delgado

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