Sunday, September 28, 2014

September 24, 2014


Well I'm here in Bologna and i love it sooo much! It is such a beautiful city and is full of beautiful people. My companion's name is Anziano Warren and he is from Indiana! He is kind of a shy type but really smart and is a huge baseball player, we get along perfectly! He is just about to hit his year mark in the mission and he is a great missionary with some good experience which will really be of help since we are practically opening up a new area with no investigators ha. I say practically because there are already 4 missionaries here in Bologna... we live with the zone leaders and there is also a sister companionship here. They are all sooooo fun!! Living in this apartment is definitly the most fun i have had all mission haha dont worry though we are getting a lot of work done as well :) Fortunately there were missionaries serving in our part of Bologna in the past and they did a really good job with the area book so we have been making a TON of calls and trying to set up appointments that way as well as less active pass by's. The work here is starting out pretty slow but im sure it will soon pick up the pace. 

Well this Sunday after stake conference us 6 missionaries decided to go to the Centro (the center of the city where all the people are, including the 2 famous towers) and we did what's called a "mostra". In the past i have done 3 mostra's and usually what we do is set up a table and a stand with giant pictures of our church and the restoration and stuff like that and we just talk to all the people that walk by or stop to look at our stand. BUT, this time we decided to bring chalk and draw the Plan of Salvation on the street because they were doint a HUGE festival that day and all the streets were closed off to cars (dont worry it's not illegal ha). It was so much fun and we got a ton of people to stop and ask questions about our church, it was great! We handed out a couple books of mormon and a lot of pass along cards so hopefully we get some investigators from it! I took some pictures of centro and our plan of salvation drawing but i didnt bring my camera with me to do internet so ill send them to you next week and ill have even more pictures then anyway :) 

Well that is pretty much what has gone on. I love it here in Bologna and i really feel like i do need to be here and i know that someone here needs to here the message that i bring about our Lord and Savior and His church. I love you all very much and i cant wait to hear from you next week! Ciao!

ps- Barbara is doing great and i got her email address to continue writing her. She might even come down to Bologna, if she gets the chance, to see me haha i hope Pres. Dibb will be alright with that!

-Anziano Delgado

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