Tuesday, January 28, 2014

August 14, 2013

Amazing week!
Ok so this week has been so great! thanks everyone for all the pictures and emails! i skimmed through them but ill go back and read them later im just a little rushed on time. we have been really busy with lessons you would be surprised! Oh and thank you Pitcher Family for the wonderful letters i just got them today and loved every single one so much! i had the warmest feeling inside after i read them all. you guys are the best! Thank you so much! ok so ill answer a few questions real quick sorry if i dont touch on them all but i'll do my best. so when i said that i was going to lecco i meant we were going to go there as just me my companion and the other companionship in our apartment to take pictures and what not since it was pday but we ended up not going because the other companionship bailed and we really want to all go together so we can have a really fun time. lecco is in our zone so we arent breaking any rules to go there if thats what you were asking. yes there is a companionship serving in lecco and im really jealous of them! i hear its gorgeous. its funny actually because at zone meeting that we just had last thursday and at the district meeting when people ask me where im serving and i say im serving in Brescia they say, "oh you're serving in the Dirty-B!". no joke EVERYONE says that. i guess its a really dirty city compared to the rest of italy but i wouldnt know because i dont really have much to compare it with ha. Dad you asked if i can print pictures and yes i can and i have printed a few, like the one of your beard to show my roommates haha. so yea keep sending pictures i love em! i was so glad to hear from dallin! thanks little man you are such a stud! i heard you did really well on your talk and even shared the story about when you prayed to heavenly father to heal your eye quickly, that is such a cool experience and im sure you will have so many more when you put your faith and trust in Him. I really miss building the worlds greatest forts with you! i actually built one in the MTC with our roommates so ill try to send that one to you guys haha it was really funny because we had a little war in our room throwing all sorts of things at eachother to break down eachothers forts hahaha. Mom or dad one of you asked if it was alright to send my email to people who ask for it and thats totally fine by me! go for it!

Ok so this week has been wonderful! oh and please bear with me on my spelling by the way learning another language is making me lose my english vocabulary ha no joke though. So this week it has rained twice and the weather is so nice. i want to say it has been in the mid 70's! The lessons are going amazing with all of the people we teach. one of our investigators has been having a hard time though. he has a lot of challenges in his life, and how busy he has been with work and other things that get in the way of him having time to read the BoM and attend church. we told him how god gives us trials, which in the moment are really hard, but afterward we see that they really help us to learn and grow. And we also talked about having faith in god and jesus christ. but how faith without works are dead. sometimes in life we think that our worldly things get in the way of spiritual things like church and reading the book of mormon. but its really just the opposite. the Worldly things are what get in the way of the things of the Lord. and when we put the lord first he cannot hold back the blessings that are in store for us.

Also we have had 2 lessons with the lady that i told you about last week who had the really amazing story of how she found our church. SHE IS THE MOST AMAZING PERSON I HAVE EVER MET! She is so sensitive to the spirit and has so much faith in God and knows that he hears and answers our prayers. she gave us multiple examples of how Heavenly Father has blessed her life immensly, to the point where she had a place to live and money to buy food. she is living here in italy alone and has a few friends but her only true relationship is with God and i love how she worded it when we taught her. Yesterday we showed her the film of the restoration of the book of mormon and our Church. afterward she was very teary eyed and said "i grew up my whole life reading the bible and it feels so good to know that there is even more to learn and more to this life than what i knew before meeting with you missionaries". anziano allen bore a really strong testimony to hear about the book of mormon and our church and how he knows them to be true. i then added my testimony to his and as i was speaking she spun around in her chair so her back was facing us. i thought that i had said something wrong and was really worried for a second. but then i noticed that she turned around because she couldn't hold back the tears any longer and was a little embarrased to cry in front of us. i cant explain to you how strong the spirit was in that moment. we told her that what she was feeling was the holy ghost and that she can feel it everytime she reads the scriptures and prays to know if the things she read is not true. she is such a solid person and has such a strong relationship with Heavenly Father. That was the best lesson i have had while here in italy and its kind of hard to think that i could have any more that amazing but im sure i will because these people truly have been prepared to recieve this gospel and i know that as long as we all do our part in living worthy of the holy ghost Heavenly Father will put prepared people in our path wether we are on a mission or even you guys living at home that need this gospel in their lives. Like the prophet Joseph Smith said, "A man filled with the love of God, is not content with blessing his family alone, but ranges through the whole world, anxious to bless the whole human race."

I love you all so very much and thank you very much for your prayers. you are always in mine and i cant wait to hear from you next week! oh and dad im going to the barretta factory today to get some pictures so next week ill send those to ya! :) Love you guys! 

                                                                       -Anziano Delgado


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