Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Sept 11, 2013


I had my first baptism this last week! It was so amazing and it really couldn't have gone any better than it did. The ward mission leader wasn't able to make it so we got to plan out the entire schedule and who gave talks and all that so we called a return missionary to give a talk and another youth in the ward. The return missionary, who served in Rome, gave the most amazing talk about baptism and how wonderful it was that our investigator was getting baptized. And also, one of our investigators who had said she couldn't make it to the baptism because she was going to play soccer with her friends decided to come anyway which was a miracle! She is such a solid investigator and we have a baptismal date with her for the 28th of September but we might have to push it back since she needs to come to church at least 3 times but that's alright its no rush! So i think i can tell you the investigators name now that he is a member of the church. It's Federico Masussi and he is such a stud! he has a huge testimony of the church and especially the Book of Mormon. He is going to be such a strong member. 

Well this week our investigator that is from Ghana who is really great just got out of the hospital because she had surgery on her foot so she is going to be home not doing much for a while and wants to meet with us often! She is the one who i met in church one sunday and she told me the really amazing story of how she found the church in a dream. So we are planning on getting a baptismal date with her for hopefully the end of September or maybe even sooner it just depends on how her foot heals. But i really can't wait to start to teach her again we always had the most spiritual lessons with her. 

So this last week was transfers and looks like im going to stay in Brescia for another 6 weeks with my companion anz. allen! we are having such a great time and get along so well its awesome! I feel like im doing really good with the language but of course there is still so much to learn! the hardest part of the language is trying to do the mannerisms that the italians do because they stress their words so differently  its insane! But that will just come with time and for now im really working hard on learning how to teach the preach my gospel lessons better since thats really the most important.

 Lago de Garda

Well, thank all of you for your wonderful and uplifting emails they always make me so happy! I absolutely love being here in italy and doing this amazing work. Like i said before, the people here are so ready to hear this gospel and i am so blessed to have the opportunity to share it with them. thank you for all of your prayers, i can feel them in all that i do and i know that i am being watched over and protected. I love you guys so much and cant wait to hear from you soon! Ciao! 

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