Tuesday, January 28, 2014

October 23, 2013

La Spezia!!!!
Ciao Ciao!! Ok so it is BEAUTIFUL here! i cant even begin to explain how much i love it here. i dont know if you all looked it up on the computer or not but it is right by the ocean and surrounded by mountains that are filled with houses and evergreens it is gorgeous. The train ride here was awesome as well! I passed through genova and cinque terre to get here. SOOO AMAZING! I am going to go there for one of these pdays. aparantly it only costs 5 euro to get to the furthest terre and back! i cant wait! ok so my new address is "Via Foscolo 70, La Spezia Italia".

So my new companion is anz. Marin. He is a really cool missionary, is hespanic and is from LA. Im also rooming with anziano Baker who is one transfer ahead of me and anziano Walsh who goes home after this transfer. We have a really really small apartment compared to the one in Brescia but the city here makes up for it haha. The work here is a little slower as well but its okay because we are going to change that really soon! In fact, yesterday we just got a new investigator! she is from the dominican republic but has been here in italy for about 16 years so she speaks italian very well. She seems awesome and really took the restoration lesson well so we will see :)

The Branch here is pretty small too i think we have about 30 to 35 members active but they are a GREAT bunch i already love them to death! I got to bear my testimony in church on sunday and there was an american family visiting from montana and the dad had served here for his mission and he was translating for his family when i spoke... i hope he didnt have to struggle to much trying to understand my broken italian haha. Actually i have really been improving a lot in the language its kind of a miracle how much help i notice Heavenly Father giving me and really the only language study i have been doing is reading the BoM in italian. I just finished 3rd Nephi and i can understand at least 3\4 of what i read, and what i dont understand is the random words that i have to pull out the dictionary for. 

I love serving here in italy so much it is SUCH a BLESSING! Sometimes we will finish with a lesson and it will hit me as we are leaving that we just taught someone in italian and i was able to understand everything that they said and respond with an answer lol it may sound weird but its such a cool feeling. The first night i was here in la spezia we were walking home from proselyting and i look over to where the mountains would be but all i saw were a bunch of lights like you would see on a sky scraper and i was caught off guard because i hadnt seen any sky scrapers when i got here! and then it hit me that all those lights were from houses that were sitting on the mountain side! It is such an amazing site i wanted to take a picture of it but its too hard to see in the camera!

Well, the work is good and its only going to get better here in The Spice! Thanks for all of your emails and pictures that you send me! love you guys so much and cant wait to hear from you next week! 
                                                                                 - Anziano Delgado
P.S - I no longer sleep-talk in English hahaha

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