Tuesday, January 28, 2014

August 7, 2013

The Mish!
Hey everyone! It is so good to hear from all of you! Its crazy to think that a week has already gone by since the last time i was emailing you, time is seriously flying! well Im really glad to hear that all is going well but im a little bummed that they didnt get to finish the mcdonads two drive-thru lines while i was there haha. thanks dad and mom for your emails i loved them both so much! I especially liked all the pictures that you guys sent me, keep sending more if you get the chance to take some!!  Dallin and Missy i hope you both do really well in school and work hard like i ALWAYS did ;) remember, C's get degrees! hahah just messin. Hey Matt im not sure if you are going to go to school or not but im sure whatever you do is the right thing for you, keep up the hard work at dad's office if you stay home and if you go to school, kill it! I'm really sad to hear about granna i hope she is doing well and she will definitely be in my prayers. Dallin i hear you are playing defense in soccer now, thats pretty awesome little man! they put all the big kids on defense because they are the toughest players on the field! Keep up the good work D! And good job with keeping the family on task with FHE Missy :) i heard you did a GREAT JOB in YW! like for real tho thats awesome im so proud of you sis. your such a strong girl and i wish i were as solid of a kid as you when i was your age. you are all so dear to my heart and i love hearing about all the wonderful things you are accomplishing! 

Ok, so this week has been another fantastic week! Thursday we had New Missionary Training with our District and President and Sister Dibb. It was for the most part a recap about the rules and how we can recieve the most blessings by respecting and obeying them. i guess now if we have a lady  investigator that we are teaching and their are sisters in our area then we pass the investigator over to the sisters. and same goes for them if they find any male investigators. at first i didnt totally agree with it but now thinking about it it really would take out any of the what-if scenarios since we are limited as men or women to be around the opposite sex without others present. but also people of the same gender might be able to connect more so thats also another upside. its actually pretty genious what president dibb did so i am really excited to see what comes out of it! of course ill have to wait till my next transer though becuase there are no sisters serving in Brescia. Friday didn't go as great as was expected. we had three lessons planned, one with a new investigator, one with a less-active member, and one with another investigator. Oh by the way sorry i am not allowed to say any names of my investigators or really anything about them other than their progress... sorrryy :/ but for our first lesson the lady never showed up and wouldnt answer the phone and our second lesson with the meno attivo member started late because he showed up like 30 minutes late. it was a really good lesson though so that made me a lot happier. but we were starting to cut into the third lessons time and this time we had to go to the man's house. so we called him to tel him that we would be a little later and he had to cancel because he had things planned for later. so to say the least i was pretty bummed. Saturday however was really good! we went to the saturday shop in central and i got dallin a really cool italia t shirt so im going to mail that soon! and afterward we went to have pranzo (lunch) at a members house. It was a 28 year old girl and her mom who invited us over. they were both super fun and outgoing. they are from the Ukraine and speak italian and somewhat english so i wasn't completely out of the loop ha. the food was pretty good, it was rice with mushrooms stuffed in bellpeppers. and then some meat patties, fruits, and for desert we always have gelato from the members. oh my goodness the strawberry gelato is BOMB! im really starting to expand my stomach because i dont want to be rude and not eat a lot of food. also because dinner isnt really that big of a meal in italy, the european diet is pretty weird but i kinda like it at the same time because i wont get as fat haha. after we ate we had a little lesson with them about service out of the "Liahona" book which was really good and we might get a referal from tonya the 28 year old that has a friend that might be interested. after pranzo we had a lesson with one of our investigators, a different one than before, and we talked to him about the gospel of christ which is, faith, repentance, baptism, confrimation/recieving the holy ghost, and perservering to the end.  i really bore my sole to himi about the importance of going to church and by doing so we are showing our faith in Christ and Heavenly Father. he is a tough on but we'll get him :) after that we met with a less active member who welcomed us in and offered us drinks and we gave her a little lesson about service as well. 

Sunday was awesome! unfortunately we only had one investigator out of the 4 that we invited that came, which was really sad, but its alright becuase this lady is SOLID. she is from ghana, is 25, and is christian and loves reading in the bible and she had the coolest story of how she found out about our church. while i was talking to her waiting for sacrament to start she told me that when she came to italy she stopped going to church for about 7 years. and one day it just hit her that she really needed to start going to church again. so she went to a catholic church and a christian church but each time she went she really felt like it wasnt a good experience and she didnt feel comfortable in them. so one day her lds friend told her about the mormon church and invited her to check it out. so she checked online but couldnt find any church near where she lived. that night she had a dream that she saw our church and she was really excited to go in and had a really strong feeling that she needed to go. and when she woke up the same feeling was overwhelming her. so she found one near her and went to it sunday and now here i am talking to her. i was so speechless and had the goosbumps for the longest time it was insane. we talked a little more about the church and she said she had a really great feeling talking to me and wanted to have lessons with me and anziano allen. when sacrament started i told her how this meeting was a little different than the other ones because its the first sunday of the month and people have the opportunity to share their feelings and thoughts as to how the church has helped them and bare their testimonies about things that they know have recieved an answer from God that it is true. after about the 3rd or 4th person there was a long pause so i just stood up haha i dont even know what compelled me to do it then but i did. i bore my testimony that i know that this church, the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true. i bore my testimony jesus christ and his atonement and how we can be saved through it. i bore my testimony that i know that joseph smith was called as a prophet from God and how he translated the book of mormon through the authority the priesthood of God which i bare. i bore my testimony that the Book of Mormon is true and that it is the Word of God.

After i closed and sat down the new investigator looked over at me and with a big grin said "i thought you said you couldn't speak italian! that was great!" hahaha she was totally thrown off as to how i could speak like that for only being out 2 weeks. i didnt mention the 6 weeks in the mtc tho lol... oooops :) but anyways, im super stoked to teach her, i cant wait! so monday was awesome as well! i was in the metro with anziano allen and a Ukranian couple, but speak italian as well, probably in their 30's sit down next to us and ask us, if we teach english class which we do every wednesday for free. we gave them the information on the back of a hand along card lol. they asked us what it was and we told them we are volunteers for our church (by the way this mostly just anziano allen talking since i can still hardly speak the language ha). we got into a LONG convo about the gospel and went waayyy far from the place we were supposed to get off but its ok because we have monthly passes so we can just ride it for fun if we really wanted to lol. but the man was super interested and wants a russion copy of the BoM when we meet them today at the english class. so i cant wait till we go see them tonight! and then yesterday we were getting onto the metro and an older italian man in his mid 80's walked up to me and pointed at my name tag and read it out loud. he started saying how he is catholic but also feels like he is christian as well or something like that haha i couldnt really understand. so anziano allen came into the convo and we started to talk about our faith. he said he has never heard of our faith but has always been interested in learning more. so we had a full on lesson about the restoration and first vision. and talked a little about joseph smith. he was super interested but he is having some problems with his wife and thigs at home so he probably wont be able to meet till september. but we are going to bring him by a BoM anyway since he gave us his address and phone number and all that jazz. its so cool though how God prepares people to be taught. so many miracles have been happening and its only the second week! i love it! 

Well, thats pretty much it! pretty boring life right ;) i love you all so much and tell granna ill be praying for her! love you all so much, and cant wait to hear from you next week! oh and next week im going to Lecco! IM TOTALLY STOKED TO THE MAX ABOUT IT!!! (sorry, inside joke haha). ciao! 

-Anziano Delgado


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